YCCHAL History
The history of YCCHAL began in 1991 out of a desire by Jerry and Kathy Ellis to provide an opportunity for their homeschooled son to participate in basketball at the high school level.
After much prayer, they called the leadership of the MCAA to inquire if home schools could play against other christian schools in the MCAA. This request had not been made before, so there were concerns that homeschoolers would not be able to organize themselves year after year in order to be a consistent participant in the league. Therefore, the homeschool league was put on probation for the first year and was required to provide a consistent team, complete with uniforms, facilities and officals. After many phone calls to other known homeschool families in the area, an initial roster was put together of 10 boys, ranging from ages 11-16.
The main focus of the parents at that time was to develop christian character in their sons through the participation of athletics. Therefore, one of the first things the boys did, was pick a team verse. They chose Ephesians 6:11, concerning putting on the whole armor of God. Out of this came the idea for the team name, the Knights, putting on their spiritual armor for each game.
The first ever homeschool team in the state competed with other christian schools in Montana, traveling to Great Falls, Helena and playing at home in Billings. In these early years, funding came from fund raisers such as Bear Crossing Craft Show Cleanup, as well as many bake sales, car washes, etc. The blue/white reversible uniforms, along with letter jackets and the first High School varsity letter were designed and purchased from Universal Athletics. Each boy paid for and owned his own uniform to keep.
YCCHAL was dedicated to all the homeschool students and parents who dreamed of doing something which had never been done before and who had the courage and perseverence to see the vision through, knowing that by God's grace all things are possible.
The first year was an exciting one for the ten player varsity boys basketball team. It was a no win season, but the seed had been sown to produce what has become the YCCHAL. It was a meager beginning with a hat being passed among the athletes and spectators after each game, funds collected being used to pay referees' fees and rental of facilities.
Spring of 1992 saw the inception of track and field, at which time the first track team was organized (coached by Denny Irion). This first season produced great results, a trophy, and a demonstration of the athlete’s abilities. It was also at this time the first YCCHAL officers were elected and a budget set up. Serving on this board were Jerry Ellis (President), Larry Houlihan (Vice-President), Candy Miller (Secretary), and Dick Miller (Treasurer).
The years following saw many "new" activities added to the roster: girls’ basketball, boys’ soccer, and girls’ volleyball. Boys’ soccer grew from a developmental team to a team that successfully competed at the varsity level in the fall of 1995.
Estes Park, CO was a favorite spot for the athletes, having been the host city for the National Homeschool Basketball Tournament. The boys’ team attended this event for three consecutive years in 1993, 1994, and 1995. In 1993, the boys placed sixth nationally, under Coach Jerry Ellis. The girls team joined the boys in 1994 and 1995, and in 1995, they took seventh place under Coach Mark Gerber while the boys track team placed first under Coach Denny Irion.
Then during the 1994-1995 season, both the boys and girls basketball teams had their first opportunity to participate in the MCAA (Montana Christian Athletic Association) state tournament. The girls took third place under Coach Duane Enger.